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Our plan from day one was to provide you all with regular updates on our journey to open the Special When Lit: Pinball Electo-cade.
From early concepts through construction and all the way up to our grand opening, we will be documenting, photographing, and videoing all the changes this great space will go through. Check back early and often for the latest!
03/29/24 - Another batch of great titles were delivered this afternoon!
Confirmed that the HVAC install will begin next week. The crane truck will hoist the new units onto the roof beginning on Wednesday the 3rd. Due to the number of units going up and coming down we expect it to take through the 4th to complete.
Still lots of work going on behind the scenes getting everything ready to open. Hope to have an opening date for your all soon!
03/22/24 - After months of going back and forth and jumping through numerous hoops, the HVAC permit was finally issued. Next up will be getting the new units installed on the roof. Just waiting for the crane truck to become available. At this point we are scheduled for install on April 3rd & 4th.
Today we also walked the space with our contractor to go over the punch list items. These touch ups should be taken care of next week as well. Once this is all done, we can get the rest of the games brought in. Really, all that will be left to do is get our final inspection and our occupancy permit then we can open.
If all goes as planned, we should have a grand opening date for you very soon!
03/15/24 - Received another batch of games today. Looking forward to firing them up and trying them out. More great titles for our lineup!
03/14/24 - The crew from Advanced Signs was out early this morning to finish installing the rest of our exterior signage. You can now see us up on the pylon sign right off of highway 99w. They also got the corridor signs installed. All that's left to do now is get the power running to the new light box on the roof line and we will be all set. This will be done when the electricians come out to wire the HVAC units.
We also had some more games move in today. A couple more pinball machines and a couple arcade cabinets. More should be coming tomorrow. All in all, we should have around another 40 games coming.
Received word earlier this week that the HVAC permit was ready to be issued. This of course came with some more hoops to jump through. Hoping to get the units installed in the next week or so. Once this is done there won't be much more to do before we can get our final inspection and occupancy permit.
Hope to have a grand opening date for you all soon!
02/20/24 - It's feast or famine with these updates as we begin to see the finish line. Advanced Signs was out today to install our exterior and interior signs. I cannot even begin to describe how great these turned out to be! They still have to finish the pylon sign near highway 99w and the corridor sign that goes by the front door. They will be back in the next week or so finish these.
Moving on to the inside, they mounted our two 3' x 4' logo signs. One is behind the back bar and one by the front window. We cannot wait for everyone to see these in person. The one on the back bar really pops with the black wall behind it. The one by the window will be glowing 24/7 welcoming you all in.
The rest of the crew were also on site today installing some of the ceiling tiles. They strategically left some out for the inspectors to gain access to the duct work. We are still waiting on the HVAC permits but we are slowly getting closer.
Some other things going on behind the scenes. We have been putting some of our kitchen equipment to work, testing our menu items and dialing in times and temperatures. We also have had they guys in to start tuning up our games. Things are starting to come together..
02/01/24 - This week they cut in and installed our new exit door at the rear of the building. They also painted and installed the hardware on all our interior doors.
Last thing that happened this week was we painted all the power drops to match the color of the walls. It looks much better than the beige color that they were originally. Other than that, not much else is happening at the moment. We think we are finally making some headway on the HVAC permit. It was determined this week that the architect needed to make a few adjustments to the plan before a final review. Hopefully once this is done they can issue it and we can all move forward. Stay tuned..