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Our plan from day one was to provide you all with regular updates on our journey to open the Special When Lit: Pinball Electo-cade.
From early concepts through construction and all the way up to our grand opening, we will be documenting, photographing, and videoing all the changes this great space will go through. Check back early and often for the latest!
03/26/23 - We have been working with Advanced Electric Signs, Inc. on our exterior sign concepts. Unfortunately, there are some restrictions on what we can do (a 20' x 15' logo on the roof is out of the question, I guess). While we do have to work within the confines of the existing shopping center's sign boxes, we will be able to have an additional sign box mounted higher on the roof similar to Mazatlan next door. We are happy with how it turned out. The colors should make the lit signs pop.
03/17/23 - Demolition continued these last couple of weeks. It looks like a lot of the focus has been on the adjacent space. As you can see from the pictures, the old pharmacy has been completely torn out. The slat fixtures around the columns were removed and our space overall has really been cleaned up. We don't expect too much more to happen on our side until construction begins.
Base floorplans are completed, and the architect and engineers met on site last week to discuss the plans for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. Work is set to begin on these plans next week. Once those are completed, reviewed, and approved they will be submitted to the King City Building Department for permits. Once the permits have been obtained, we will have a much better idea of our opening date.
02/24/23 - Demolition started earlier this last week to remove all the old ceiling tiles, flooring and fixtures. Basically, just a general clean-up of the space. Architecture plans are coming along and will hopefully be submitted for permitting soon. In the meantime, it looks like there is still more work to be done to ready the space for the new build out.
02/22/23 - Received our preliminary interior designs back from aha Studios. They did a great job working with us on our concepts and fleshing out our vision into these renderings. Just a couple small adjustments left to make then we will have this phase completed.
02/15/23 - We got the chance to attend the King City Council meeting tonight and talk a little bit about our Pinball Electro-cade concept. They were excited to hear that this type of business would soon be calling King City home. We also received unanimous approval from the council on our OLCC application. It's getting close to becoming a done deal. Stay tuned.
01/26/23 - We have finally been assigned an OLCC Liquor License Investigator. This moves us onto the next phase in obtaining our OLCC license. It looks like just a few more hoops to jump through. One of which was to post the Public Notice below. Checked that box. Onto the next thing!
01/15/23 - We received the base plan back from the architect and wanted to see what the real-world layout felt like spatially. Below you can see the results from our on-site visit. We taped out where all the walls will go along with doorways, bars, gaming space, etc. We are pleased with how this turned out. Lots of room for maximum fun! Looking forward to getting this piece wrapped up and moving on to the next level.